
Travellers Aid Australia

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Services available are: Personal care, accessible toilet with ceiling hoist and adult change table for everyone to use, communication assistance and information. Support workers and family are welcome too. Buggy service at Southern Cross Station helps older people and people with mobility needs access the station with ease using our buggy from 6:30am-9:30pm 7 days per week (Booking required). Mobility Equipment hire is available from both Flinders street and Southern Cross stations.
Local Service Provider
Alternative Names:
(previously) Travellers Aid Access Service (TAAS)
Languages (other than English):
German, Punjabi, Arabic, and Italian
Accessible Facilities:
accessible toilets, adult change table, shower, hoist
Areas Served:
Melbourne Metro
Last review date:
8/2/21 10:54
Flinders Street Stat Flinders and Swanston St, Melbourne, VIC 3000

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